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Learn everything you need to know to start the adventure of a lifetime in FINAL FANTASY XIV.

Tune into this short video series for tips and tricks to make your early steps into the realm of Eorzea even better.

Starter Guide Series Intro

Join veteran adventurer Mayra as she guides new player Kaz through the early levels of FINAL FANTASY XIV.

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Episode 1: The Adventure Begins

  • Creating a character
  • Using the map
  • Starting Main Scenario Quests

Episode 1: The Adventure Begins

Kaz creates his character and takes his first steps in Eorzea. Mayra introduces Kaz to the map and different quest types so he can enjoy the main story without getting lost.

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Episode 2: Meet Your FATE

  • Unlocking class quests
  • Tracking quest objectives
  • Participating in FATEs

Episode 2: Meet Your FATE

Mayra introduces Kaz to class quests and how he can unlock different classes starting at level 10. Kaz encounters his first FATE, an open world encounter where everyone nearby can take part.

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Episode 3: Hall of the Novice

  • Sorting inventory
  • Equipping your best gear
  • Training for party combat

Episode 3: Hall of the Novice

Kaz learns how to organise his cluttered inventory and discovers the Recommended Gear feature. Mayra takes Kaz to the Hall of the Novice where he gets a crash course on party combat and a new set of gear.

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Episode 4: Do Your Duty

  • Forming a group via the Duty Finder
  • Tackling your first dungeon
  • Obtaining loot

Episode 4: Do Your Duty

Putting his newly acquired skills to the test, Kaz teams up with Mayra to form a light party with the Duty Finder to tackle his first dungeon. Kaz learns how dungeon rewards are distributed via Need, Greed, and Pass.

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Episode 5: Trial By Fire

  • Taking on bosses in trials
  • Joining a Grand Company
  • Unlocking mounts

Episode 5: Trial By Fire

Kaz forms his own party and takes on his first trial: an epic boss battle. As his renown grows, Kaz is recruited by one of the three Grand Companies of Eorzea, and unlocks his very own chocobo mount at level 20.

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The End of the Beginning

Mayra regales Kaz with all he still has to look forward to in the Free Trial… and beyond!

Watch NowThe End of the Beginning
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Additional Play Guides

Read our additional play guides for more in-depth explanations on all the features in FFXIV!

Basic Controls and Gameplay

Classes and Jobs